Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Optimum Cichlid Aquarium Set Up

!: The Optimum Cichlid Aquarium Set Up

The groups of fishes commonly referred to as Cichlids, comprise a vast group of, generally larger and more aggressive fishes from Africa and South and Central America with a few species being found in Asia. They offer such a large variety of bright colors, shapes and habits that they have become one of the most popular fishes kept by hobbyist's world wide.

Such is the diversity of species, breeding habits and feeding that it becomes necessary to set up different groups of Cichlids in different tanks. Some of these include African Cichlids, American Cichlids, Dwarf Cichlids or Discus. It is usually recommended that you keep these like minded fishes together and don't mix them in general.

Selecting and Positioning Your Tank

Always try to choose a tank with the largest possible surface area and volume as most cichlids grow quite large. Make sure you always have a glass cover to stop your fish jumping out.

Position your new aquarium so that you avoid direct sunlight hitting the aquarium for too long as this can cause excessive algae problems.

Choosing Gravel, Decor and Setting Up

Cichlids are quite territorial and the more holes, refuges and interesting "zones" you can create make for a much harmonized community.

A good starting point is to place in your tank a background that can offer the realism and natural environment that these fish will feel very relaxed and unstressed in. Check out the cichlid mansion range from Aquarium + Reptile Rocks Inc if you want something extraordinary.

Next is the gravel we advise a fine blended gravel as too coarse a gravel size allows uneaten food and waste to accumulate in the pockets between pebbles away from water flow that break it down. There are several varieties to choose from. Clean your gravel in small quantities in a bucket. Three or four rinses should be sufficient. Place the cleaned gravel into your tank along with a little water.

Next to add some more "zones" you can add cleaned rocks and driftwood and position them. Triangulate your decorations to create a greater depth of field and provide an amphitheatre where the fish can congregate in a community setting. Try to slope your gravel slightly towards the rear and sides using rocks and logs to create tiers and depth. The lightweight rocks from A+RR Inc like quartz rocks, north head ridge, barnacle, rock pool and charred wood make this fun and easy to do. When you have the major decorations in place, add a little water, if this is a little dirty from the gravel siphon this dirty water out again into your bucket.

Next fill your tank. Avoid disturbing the gravel by using a plate or newspaper onto which you can direct the water flow. Some coral sand is a good addition to an African tank, while white Rift Lake Sand looks great for Africans also but can show up detritus badly. These aspects will be discussed further later.

Preparing your Tap Water

Next we must treat our tap water to remove harmful chlorine and ammonia. There are several products that will remove both, the best value is Amquel Instant water Detoxifier.

It is also necessary to replace electrolytes like, magnesium, and potassium making in tap water.

The electrolytic aquarium salts are essential to fishes well being. Not only provide an anti-bacterial effect, but help fishes produce body slime to protect themselves from infection and create an essential osmotic barrier so they do not dehydrate. Make sure it is dissolved before adding to your aquarium.

There are also several products we can use to specific water conditions for African and Discus. To calculate water volume: consider 10cm x 10cm x 10cm = 1 liter. So length (cm) x Width (cm) x Height (cm) divided by 1000 = Volume (liters).

Biological Filter Supplementation

The Best way to get crystal clear water is to pro-actively provide bacteria cultures as biological filter supplement. In our opinion WASTE CONTROL and CYCLE used in conjunction with one another or HBH TERMINITE are the best way to enhance your filtration and stay ahead of the game. People using these products simply do not encounter the same problems as people who take a minimalist approach (don't use a filter supplement) and end up constantly reacting to problems. These bacteria cultures help convert all organic wastes to ammonia then further to nitrite and finally to nitrate. To establish your tanks bacteria populations can take several weeks but is accelerated greatly by adding supplements. Do not overstock your new aquarium during this run in period.


All good filters provide ample filter media surface areas for the colonization of aerobic (oxygen breathing) denitrifying bacteria which break down fish waste. The greater the volume of the filter and the greater the flow rate, the bigger the population of bacteria to keep your tank clean. This is Biological filtration. All good filters should provide some sponge as Mechanical filtration. Chemical filtration is also important. We always use ammonia remover as a safeguard. Carbon is also beneficial but Purigen is superior. It is rechargeable and will also remove log stains from your tank (That is if you did not use the Charred wood from A+RR Inc). Remember to rinse loose particles out before adding to your filter.

Filter Types

Freshwater Trickle filters offer the most filtration for large seriously stocked tanks.

External Canister filers like the PRIME, EHEIM, FLUVAL or VIA AQUA are the best of the commercially available filters. They offer the largest volume of media and can be concealed from view. All these brands have a simple priming system and excellent taps to isolate water in the tubing while the filter is cleaned.

Hang On styles like the AQUACLEAR and AQUAONE are also very good. They possibly provide the best value if your budget does not permit an external canister. Simple fill the filter box with water and turn on. Water is pumped through the filter and gravity flows back into your tank.

Internal motorized filters like the CRYSTAL , RIO , and EIHEM are popular for smaller tanks or as a secondary filter for extra circulation in a large tank. Internals usually do not interfere with top glass or hoods. These can be placed under one of your lightweight rocks.

Air Operated filtration is often not sufficient for cichlids. We do highly recommend air bubbling in Cichlid tanks. Be sure to use a Check Valve so that water cannot flow back into your pump if power goes off.

If you have a Cichlid Mansions or Amazon background from A+RR Inc you can conceal a lot of the plumbing from view which makes for a very attractive set up.

Water Changing

Although nitrate (residual waste) is relatively harmless, the levels will accumulate and become dangerous if regular partial water changes are not performed to dilute nitrates. Cichlids are large fish that eat a lot, so nitrates accumulate quickly. PH is also pulled dangerously lower by organic waste accumulation. Therefore, no matter how good your filtration is, you still must water change regularly. We recommend a 1/3 - ½ water change fortnightly to keep pH above neutral and nitrates low.

The best tool to assist you with water changes is a Lee's Gravel Vacuum. They allow you to remove the dirtiestwater from around the gravel and replace it with clean, treated tap water. This task is easier to do and a better job done if you have lightweight rocks and décor. We recommend you test pH and nitrate weekly to ensure your water changing maintenance is sufficient to maintain this balance. PH can be maintained using PH UP, but the only easy way to remove nitrate is by water changing.

An important tip when changing. Rinse your filter media in your old aquarium water rather than under a tap as the chlorine in tap water will kill off the precious filter bacteria living in the foam and other media. If you follow these procedures you should never have to completely break your tank down to clean it out.


If you want to keep Cichlids you will need to heat them. A good guide is approximately 1 watt of heating per liter of water. A higher wattage heater than necessary is often a good choice though because they can be used on larger aquariums. Position your heater in a back corner at a 45 degree angle so that heat does not rise directly onto the thermostat. Make sure that there is good water movement around the heater to ensure that the element is heating. Large cichlids can get quite boisterous, so a heater guard will stop your heater being broken. We believe it necessary to also install a thermostat to check the heater. The stick on types are the best in our opinion as the suction cup type soon do not stick and require replacement.


Lighting is necessary to view your fish at night time. To achieve this we find it better to illuminate your tank from afternoon until bed time when people can more easily enjoy their tanks. Lighting left on all day will undoubtedly cause excessive algae problems. For best results with plants we recommend high intensity full spectrum white lighting. We like to use Aquastars, Arcadia 's or Power Glo's.

The African Cichlid Tank

The African Rift lake Cichlids from Lakes Malaqi, Tanganyika and Victoria have become a popular variety of fish for people who desire dramatic color, size and movement in their tanks. African cichlids are quite aggressive and fast moving and should be kept in tanks set up for a community of African cichlids.

Natural Habitat

African Cichlids inhabit the rocky shorelines of the rift lakes of Africa . The water in these lakes is quite hard and alkaline. Large schools of fish graze algae from the rocky outcrop reefs. Amongst the algae live small crustaceans which also constitute part of the diet of African cichlids.

The bottom of the lakes is sandy. Innumerable caves formed between the boulders offer protection to young fish and brooding females. Check out the Cichlid mansion and Amazon range of backgrounds if you want realism and something special. Most species from Lake Malawi are mouth brooders and constitute a large proportion of the species available in the hobby. A lot of the Tanganyikan species form lifetime pair bonds and protect their young, while others are also mouth brooders.

Rift Lake Water Conditioning

To recreate the hard alkaline water required by these fish, shell grit or coral sand should be added to your gravel or used exclusively for the bottom. African Rift lake sand is also becoming popular, but can show up detritus badly. Good quality African Cichlid water conditioners like the Seachem Rift Lake Salt and Buffers are a real advantage in creating the right water conditions.

There are several products that will remove both chlorine and ammonia, but the best value is....Amquel Instant water Detoxifier.

Setting up African Rift Lake Cichlids

As African cichlids come from rocky shoreline areas of the lakes, we suggest that intricate rockwork form the basis of your set-up arranged to form area's with numerous caves. The rockwork should be predominantly built up around the back and sides to leave a communal amphitheatre where all the interaction and displays take place. A+RR Inc has a large range of rocks which are extremely attractive and offer plenty of hiding places. Plants are not essential to your African community tank because African Cichlids, being omnivorous, will eat your plants except for something such as Anubias. One option here is to cut some holes in barnacle rock which allows the greenery to be seen but protects the base in the gravel from the fish. Plastic plants instead make a good addition.

Adding African Rift Lake Cichlids

Try to crowd your African cichlids without taxing your filtration and water change management. This stops individuals from becoming too dominant and harassing others.

We find it best to start with small to medium sizes of fishes of several species in groups of four.

(4 Electric Blue, 4 Electric Yellows, 4 Venustus, 4 Red Empress)

Of the Lake Malawi fishes, the most common species are Zebras, Pindani, Lombardoi and others. People often start with these species as they are cheaper and show color while still young. Many hobbyists progress to the slightly more expensive and spectacular 'Haplochromis' group, like Electric Blues, Red Empress and the Peacocks where only the males exhibit the most amazing color as they mature. In general Take Tanganyika fishes are a bit more expensive and comprise some of the most sought after species like Frontosa, "Lanprologus" and Trheus.

Feeding Africans

Feeding African Cichlids the right type of foods is very important. African Cichlids have extremely long intestinal tracts, like omnivores, which means that foods (meat, worms etc.) will take a long time to digest. Inappropriate foods will rot in their stomachs causing bloating, sickness and sometimes death. For this reason foods with a large proportion of spirulina and vegetables are best. Our favourites, HBH VEGE or Cichlid Flakes and Pellets are perfect. Super Bits are also eagerly taken but we do not like to feed Super Bits exclusively, but rather combined with Spirulina based foods. Frozen bloodworm and brine shrimp are also good for most species, but meats and live blackworm are definitely no-no's.

The American Cichlid Tank

American Cichlids are larger growing and slower moving than their African cousins. They are also far more predatory and are happy with a higher protein than Africans. For these reasons we do not recommend keeping American and African Cichlids together. Of course there is always the odd exception.

Natural Habitat

The natural habitat of the Central and South American cichlids is quite different to that of Africans. Logs and branches in general replace rocky outcrops still having a background that can provide safe secure retreats are important. We feel darker gravel such as the Red Gravel blend suits the reflective colors of Americans, compared to lighter substrates spawners who will form a pair bond. Spawns can produce hundreds of fry, the parents will try to protect and nurture their babies instinctively. It is not uncommon for pairs of fish to spawn in the community tank, although it is unlikely that the parents will be able to protect babies from the hordes. Most American cichlids have also been in the hobby for a lot longer than Africans. Species like Oscars and Red Devils have become household names.

Water Conditioning

American Cichlids are quite tolerant of water conditions, but a pH close to neutral and low nitrates (regular water changes) provide a comfortable environment. Always treat new tap water well with XXXXXX and XXXXX as with all fish.

Setting Up for American Cichlids

Use plenty of logs. Submerge some rocks into the substrate and add more structure on top... Do not be concerned by excessive color from new logs as this will become less with regular water changing. You could use charred wood from A+RR Inc here as well. Plastic plants attached to small crevice rock will provide a splash of color. Of course you can use one of the Amazon or Cichlid mansion backgrounds that will create a stunning base for you to expand on.

Adding American Cichlids

Try to set up a large variety of young fish to grow up together. That way you will have far more compatible large fish when they grow up. Our favourite species are Oscars, Red Devils, Texas , Firemouths, Severums etc. Give them plenty of room to grow. Often people will ask, "What can I put with my large Oscar who has lived alone for a year?" if you put another single fish in, there is every chance that the new inhabitant will be killed. We advised it is better to trade in large fish and start with a community of smaller Americans.

Feeding Americans

American cichlids will consume a large variety of foods. HBH make a range of American specific cichlid foods. Advance the size of the pellets as your young fish grow. A wide variety of frozen foods are recommended in conjunction with live foods including feeder fish. Only offer feeder fish as a treat, otherwise they will become fussy about accepting prepared foods.

Dwarf Cichlids

The most popular dwarf cichlids are the Apistogrammas and Microgeophagus (Rams) from South America and the Pelvicachromis (Kribensis) from the Congo River system of Africa . These dwarf cichlids are popular community fish that may spawn in a community tank and exercise parental care over their young if there is enough cover. They prefer a good varied diet of prepared frozen and live foods.


Discuses are a popular group of cichlids kept by enthusiasts all over the world. Many claim Discus are the "King of Fishes". Discus are definitely a fish that require some experience, although they may be kept in a community tank. The major requirement to keeping Discus well is good water management and the best foods. Discuses seem to metabolize quickly and need to be fed often with high quality prepared and frozen foods. The best are Tetra Bits with daily frozen food like Beef Heart and Liver and Discus Dinner. Once Discus are feeding well they are competitive and hardy.

Discus are usually happy in low nitrate water with pH slightly acidic and soft water which is very warm 29-32 Degrees Celcius. For breeding Discus, the fish need to be well conditioned on the best foods. The best range of water conditioners for Discus are the Seachem range of Discus Buffers.

The major problem with Discus is their susceptibility to parasites like gill flakes as well as intestinal worms and flagellates. We advise regular treatments for parasites with General Cure or Worm-Rid, especially after Discus are newly purchased or moved. Intestinal worms are best treated with Worm-Rid and flagellates with Octozin. An inexpensive, yet very good book is the Barron's Discus Fishes.

Enjoy setting up your tank and we love receiving your pictures of the products from A+RR Inc (Aquarium + Reptile Rocks Inc).

The Optimum Cichlid Aquarium Set Up

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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Duracell D15A 15 AMP Battery Charger

!: Coupon Duracell D15A 15 AMP Battery Charger save you money!

Brand : Duracell
Rate :
Price : $72.14
Post Date : Dec 22, 2011 03:02:08
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

The Duracell battery charger provides emergency, portable, jumpstart power. The rapid charge technology delivers up to three times faster charging than traditional chargers. Micro-processor controlled charging for longer battery life.

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Friday, December 16, 2011

Stanley DPS109 Digital Portable Power Station

!: Buying Stanley DPS109 Digital Portable Power Station cheap

Rate : | Price : $97.50 | Post Date : Dec 16, 2011 09:58:24
Usually ships in 24 hours

You won’t get stuck on the side of the road again if you have the Stanley Digital Power Station. It features a 350-amp battery jump starter with 700 peak battery amps, a built-in digital tire inflator with automatic set and auto shut off, a 200 watt 120 volt power supply, a 3 LED emergency light, USB, and DC outlet.

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Friday, December 9, 2011

Get Your Weight Down Even If Your Body Resists Weight Loss

!: Get Your Weight Down Even If Your Body Resists Weight Loss

I am going to share tips on how to get your weight down even if you have been unable to get your body to drop weight. It is not uncommon for a body to resist weight loss and if you have been overweight, inactive, eating a poor diet or on a diet for a long time your metabolism can slow and make weight loss very hard. If you need to get the scale moving down again but don't know how then I encourage you to take a couple of minutes right now to read this article.

Get Your Weight Down

1. Give your diet a metabolism boost. Your body adapts to new routines very quickly and if you have been dieting for a while your metabolism has likely slowed to match your lower calorie intake. To boost your metabolism you must take a "Cheat Day" off your diet. Sound crazy? This is a very well researched and real-world tested strategy. By overeating for one day you reset your hormonal signals and recharge your fat burning metabolism.

2. Keep track. If your body is not losing then you must eliminate guesswork by keeping a food journal. Do you think this is a useless tool? Think again, a recent study showed that people who kept a food journal lost 2 times the weight of the group that did not.

3. Shift your carbohydrates out of the evenings. If you have been overweight, inactive or eating a diet high in refined carbohydrates your body needs to become less dependent on carbohydrates for energy so it can relearn how to burn body fat for energy. Jump start this process by keeping carbs out of your diet after lunch. This forces the body to use an alternative, body fat, when it needs energy in the later half of the day.

4. Add intensity burst to your workout. You can exercise in half the time and get double the fat burning by varying your intensity during a workout. Simple move back and forth between bursts of high intensity and periods of rest and your body will burn fat more efficiently all day long.

You can get your weight down even if your body is weight loss resistant. Follow these tips or learn more about how to make them work in your life by clicking on the links below.

Get Your Weight Down Even If Your Body Resists Weight Loss

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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Black & Decker VEC1026BD Electromate 250 Portable Power Supply and Jump-Starter

!: Buy Black & Decker VEC1026BD Electromate 250 Portable Power Supply and Jump-Starter Review

Brand : Seidio | Rate : | Price : $79.99
Post Date : Dec 04, 2011 10:42:06 | Usually ships in 24 hours

Black & Decker Electromate 250 Portable Power Supply (model VEC1026BD) is both cordless and rechargeable for use outdoors and in case of emergencies and power failures. It combines a 300 Amp jump-starter, 250 Watt power inverter, and alternator voltage check in one - handy to have around in any power loss situation. Detachable heavy-duty clamps and cables are included with this portable power supply pack, along with a 12 Volt DC car cord. Other features of the Black & Decker VEC1026BD include a long-life LED emergency worklight for practical night time use and a power safety switch and reverse hook-up warning alarm. Always be prepared with the Black & Decker Electromate 250 Portable Power Supply pack.

  • 12 Volt AC/DC portable power supply
  • 300 instant amps for jumpstarting
  • Power safety switch and reverse hook-up warning alarm
  • Vehicle alternator voltage check
  • Detachable heavy duty cables aned clamps included

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Monday, November 28, 2011

Schumacher IP-95C Jump Starter & Air Compressor

!: Wholesale Schumacher IP-95C Jump Starter & Air Compressor sale off

Brand : Schumacher
Rate :
Price : $60.71
Post Date : Nov 28, 2011 15:36:19
Usually ships in 24 hours

The Schumacher IP-95C Jump Starter has a built-in high-pressure air compressor and DC power source for 12-volt accessories and 5-volt USB devices. The maintenance-free, sealed lead-acid 9 ampere hour battery allows storage in any position. Compact and lightweight with a durable and corrosion-proof polypropylene case. Easy-to-read battery status LEDs tell when the internal battery is at Full Power, 75% Charged or 50% or Less and needs to be recharged. Built-in charger for automatic charging of internal battery, with LEDs indicating Charging or Charged. Safety features include: On/Off jump-start switch that eliminates accidental clamp shorting; reverse-hookup protection with alarm warning; and overload and short-circuit protection on the 12-volt accessory outlet. Sure-grip clamps fit both top and side-mount batteries, and the 18" cables stay flexible in cold weather. This is the best choice for your portable power and air needs!

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

5 Marketing Strategy Tips For the New Year

!: 5 Marketing Strategy Tips For the New Year

While marketers are taking it on both sides with cutbacks by their bosses and their buyers, there are some actionable marketing strategy tips to empower your brand for the new year.

If there's one thing that's not in short supply these days, it's advice for what marketers about what to do to grow as the economy tanks. Unfortunately, much of the conventional marketing strategy advice out there-which usually goes something along the lines of spend more on marketing and innovate like crazy-does not reflect business reality at most companies.

What's more, many of the standard marketing responses to tough economic times focus on the old method of short-term marketing, concentrating too heavily on hitting the numbers now, no matter the costs to long-term financial and brand health.

For the new year, why not embrace the better long-term alternative? May we suggest five marketing strategy do's and don't's to help move the sales needle AND keep your brand in good enough fighting shape to take out the competition during AND after the recession.

#1. Maybe Do/Maybe Don't: Increase Your Marketing Spending
If we had a dollar for every time we've heard someone tell a marketer their best piece of advice for thriving in a recession is to raise the marketing budget and spend more, we wouldn't have to pop an antacid after checking our 401(k)s. It's positioned as counterintuitive, but it's become so commonplace to hear, "hey, you should be taking advantage of the fact that all your competitor's are slicing their spending and raise your marketing budget." It's almost conventional wisdom that it's a universally good thing to do. What's more, so few companies actually do it, it still holds some of that maverick caché. But is it really sound advice?

We'd agree there are some obvious inherent risks to holding the marketing budget steady-and even more to cutting it all together, a likely scenario these days-while a stronger brand solidifies, maybe even increases, its lead in the marketplace by spending more on marketing. Generally speaking, however, to increase or not to increase the marketing budget is an incomplete question. At the end of the day, whether or not you'll see any bottom-line benefit in the short- or long-run depends on a whole lot more than the size of the increase to your budget.

No matter the condition of the economy, the buyer target, the brand's positioning, the ad copy, the ad executions, and the media vehicles are more important than the budget in driving revenues. Our analysis revealed Three Sigma targeting/positioning/copy/ad execution/media vehicles yield much greater effects on market share and brand equity than doubling the budget. The message here: Get all the elements of your marketing strategy lined up before considering this bold move.

#2. Don't: Enter Into the More-for-Your-Money Race
It's a natural response to cutbacks by your customers: drop your prices, advertising more for less, give great deals. "Marketers across the board are dialing up the more-for-your-money messaging in an effort to coax cash-strapped customers into opening their wallets, and price cuts and promotions are creating a domino effect as companies chase best-deal status," reported Ad Age. Sadly, the assumption that lowering prices will motivate people to buy may miss the mark and hurts brand equity in the process.

While management intuition suggests that most consumer buyers and business-to-business decision makers are price sensitive, our research shows that price is the primary consideration for only 15 to 35 percent of buyers in most product and service categories. Even during a recession. Price may become a more important consideration as household and corporate budgets get tighter, but it is not necessarily-or even customarily-the most important consideration. The majority of buyers are simply not as obsessed with price as many marketers seem to be. What's more, price cuts can cause serious problems if they reset buyer expectations about prices or go against a brand's image. The halls of marketing history are littered with brands that dropped their pants to make a sale in a recession only to find they couldn't pull them back up again once it was over.

#3. Don't: Get Ugly With Your Advertising
"As the economy gets ugly, marketers are getting nasty too," reported the Wall Street Journal. "From soup companies to pizza chains, marketers are stepping up their so-called attack ads, calling out rivals by name, comparing products and poking fun at competitors." The National Advertising Division of the Council of Better Business Bureaus-a.k.a., the ad police-has seen complaints from marketers alleging they are the victims of misleading comparison ads jump substantially.

"In a downturn, people are being more and more careful on how they are spending their money, and more than usual you have to make sure you are breaking through and giving them a reason to buy you," explains Patrick Doyle, president of Domino's USA. He's got a point, but "their brand sucks" isn't going to do it. First of all, it's not exactly a defensible positioning-it's likely quite easy for your competitor to come right back and say, "no, no, YOUR brand sucks." The back and forth starts and pretty soon buyers have no idea who the ads are for or why they should buy either brand. To quote the Wall Street Journal, "Attack ads, when they get too intense, can confuse consumers." If your advertising raises more questions than it answers, you're going to get tuned out.

#4. Do: Walk Two Miles in Your Customers' Shoes
"Walking in the shoes of your consumers is the key to keeping products moving during a recession," the CMO of Kraft Foods Mary Beth West told an audience of fellow marketers. "And I am talking about walking not just a mile, but two miles."

Our take on her comment is that marketers should not only NOT guess at what will or won't work to motivate buyers during a recession, but also go beyond the customer information basics that everyone in the category likely has. Take the time to ferret out important insights specific to your brand such as who the profitable customers are, the problems the profitable ones have, the products (or services) they are looking for in the category, and on what (and it's more likely than not there is something) they place a premium that will get them to part with their scarce resources. The brands that will win this footrace are the ones that have the deeper knowledge of the twists and turns of the course.

#5. Do: Find the Blue Sky/White Space/Big Hairy Opportunity
It's true, nobody's perfect. That means there's a pretty good chance there's some area of importance to buyers in the category where everybody-you and your competitors-totally sucks. Where no one offers a solution to a seriously irritating problem or at best gives a middling response to something buyers say they really need or want. These areas are the blue sky, white space, whatever-the-going-catch-phrase-from-popular-business-book is-the things that make for the big marketing opportunities.

If ever there was a time when people are aware of their problems, pains, areas of dissatisfaction and willing to talk about them, it's now! Ask buyers what they aren't getting from your brands and others. Instead of calling out your competitor's deficiencies, figure out what people are missing in the category in general and determine if you can deliver it to them profitably. Don't waste your breath (and precious advertising dollars) explaining how and why your competitors can't get something (or anything) right. Instead, explain how and why your brand is uniquely qualified to solve their real problems in your advertising. Give people a reason to listen and you will break through-now in these tough times and, very importantly, when happy days are here again.

And when you do this, do it right. Don't make a promise to solve a problem and then not do it. Take Coke Zero. It used a great execution depicting Coke execs suing Coke Zero execs because Coke Zero tastes so much like Coke. Problem is, it doesn't. Not by a long shot.

Parting Shots
When the buyers of your products and services are really struggling, your marketing efforts need to have pinpoint accuracy in terms of who you are talking to, what about, and when in order to get them to pledge patronage and loyalty to your brand and not somebody else's. Marketers can successfully use the pressure they are under to help the company make their numbers and channel their nervous energy not into one-off, quick and dirty marketing tactics, but into putting together a well-thought out marketing strategy to drive sales, profits, and growth.

5 Marketing Strategy Tips For the New Year

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Friday, November 18, 2011

RoadPro Rechargeable Jump Start with 12-Volt Power Port and Air Compressor

!: Buying RoadPro Rechargeable Jump Start with 12-Volt Power Port and Air Compressor Best Quality

Brand : Roadpro | Rate : | Price :
Post Date : Nov 18, 2011 10:54:05 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

  • Jumpstart Gets Your Dead Battery Going with 300 Cold Cranking Amps
  • On-Board Outlet for Powering 12-Volt Devices with Short Circuit Protection
  • 260 PSI Air Compressor for Inflating Flat Tires, Toys, etc.
  • Can be Recharged at Home or In Your Vehicle with Adapters
  • High Impact Rubberized Housing for Safe Secure Grip

More Specification..!!

RoadPro Rechargeable Jump Start with 12-Volt Power Port and Air Compressor

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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Duracell DPP-600HD Powerpack 600 Jump Starter & Emergency Power Source with Radio

!: expert reviews Duracell DPP-600HD Powerpack 600 Jump Starter & Emergency Power Source with Radio discount

Brand : Duracell
Rate :
Price : $169.95
Post Date : Oct 23, 2011 23:42:32
Usually ships in 24 hours

The Duracell Powerpack 600 features an internal sealed, non-spillable 28 amp-hour AGM (Absorbed Glass Mat) battery for reliable power delivery and recharging capability. This heavy duty power source operates multiple 120-volt AC household power applications and 12-volt DC applications (charging portable electronics devices) simultaneously with ease. Offering 280 CCA (Cold Cranking Amps) of starting power, the Duracell Powerpack 600 can jump-start most 8-cylinder vehicles without connecting to another vehicle or external power source. A built-in LED light also provides bright illumination, while an integrated AM/FM clock radio provides access to news and other important information The Powerpack 600 can be safely and conveniently recharged from any household AC outlet, DC cigarette lighter outlet or even from a solar panel, so that it’s ready to go whenever you need it. The Duracell Powerpack 600 is an ideal companion for job sites, camp sites, or as a quiet, cost-effective emergency backup power source. Please note, the internal battery does not arrive charged. Refer to the Powerpack users' manual for charging instructions. Please charge the battery fully before using the Powerpack for the first time.

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Thursday, October 20, 2011

10 Ways to Jump Start Your Day

!: 10 Ways to Jump Start Your Day

Before Getting Out of Bed:

1. Express Gratitude...
Take a moment to send a few mental Thank You's out into the world...for seeing another day, for family and friends, for having your health, your job, a roof over your head, or for whatever you situation may be. Realizing you are already living in a blessed state of being, helps to energize your day.

2. Thump the Thymus:

The next three suggestions are adapted from Donna Eden's book Energy Medicine and should be part of everyone's daily routine to help strengthen and energize the body. The thymus gland contributes to the development of a strong, healthy immune system. By tapping on this area first thing in the morning, and then a few more times throughout the day, we are keeping this gland stimulated. So where is the
thymus? Picture Tarzan pounding the center of his chest, what he really was doing was activating the thymus before moving into action. Take a page out of his book to start the energy flowing into your day.

3. Rub the K-27 Points:

The K-27 points are very special points on the body! These points are also used in EFT (emotional freedom technique) to activate the energy system to flow in the correct direction. K-27 will help to strengthen the immune system, improve concentration and alertness. To find K-27 (which is the endpoint of the Kidney meridian) place your fingers at the ends of the collarbone, then slide fingers toward the middle of the collarbone, then drop down about an inch. You will feel a slight indentation. The points often hurt when first stimulated, but this decreases as they are regularly worked. Tapping or rubbing these particular spots will send a wake up message to the brain to adjust your energy so you feel more alert. Getting drowsy during the mid-afternoon meeting with the boss? Work these points!

4. Activate the Spleen Points:

These are neurolympathic points on your spleen meridian, which like the two above will help boost the immune system, energize the body, and balance blood chemistry. How can I locate these points? They are the depression between the 7th and 8th rib, just below the level of the breastbone or sternum. Move your hands beneath your breasts, straight under the nipples, then move down over the next rib. Just like the points mentioned above, they may hurt when being stimulated if not done regularly.

Now Get out of Bed and Continue With.....

5. Dry Brush Your Skin:

Before hopping into the shower, get into the habit of doing a dry brushing of your skin. This technique has numerous benefits such as helping with detoxification, stimulating circulation, increasing cell renewal, cleaning the lymph system, and strengthening immunity to name a few. Using a long handled brush with natural bristles (no synthetic please!), begin to brush the skin. Keeping the brush dry, begin at the feet, and work your way up toward the heart. With vigorous strokes, brush in a circular manner, covering all areas of the body until you reach the heart area. Then begin at the head, and work down, again toward the heart, covering the rest of the body. By the time you are finished, your shower will be for cleansing and not for waking you up.

6. Shower Visualization:

As you wash yourself physically in the shower, try a visualization to clean the energy field that surrounds you (your aura) containing psychic debris. Visualize a light coming through the showerhead along with the water, I like to picture a vibrant violet light. As the light touches the body, imagine it burns off or transmutes any energetic waste that is clinging to your aura, the water will then wash away the subtle particles as they loosen their grip. By the end of the shower, you feel very refreshed!

7. Oil Up:

Once you step out of the shower, all tingly now from each of the prior steps, oil up with one of the best skin conditioners- natural organic coconut oil. When applied topically to the skin, coconut oil helps to keep the skin well moisturized, young, healthy and free of disease. Add coconut oil to your diet and watch the health benefits multiply. End your day by slathering coconut oil onto the skin at night
and your youthful looks will be the envy of many.

8. Ditch the Java:

Instead of starting your morning with a cup of coffee, replace it with a hot cup of water containing non-filtered apple cider vinegar and raw honey, 2 tablespoons of each. It is important that this is organic, non-filtered apple cider vinegar to reap the health benefits. Although it may not sound appetizing, it really is not a difficult drink to ingest and becomes quite likeable. Some of the benefits include helping to make you more regular by relieving constipation, improving the texture of the skin, assists
in alleviating rashes, plus it makes you feel refreshed and ready to go!

9. Breakfastize!

Defined: The act of creating a simple, easy, well-balanced, nutritious meal to start the day. Remember this is THE MOST important meal of the day. I like to remember this by the following quote "Breakfast like a king, lunch like a lord, and dine like a pauper." Shipping breakfast slows down general body functioning such as metabolism and then remains low for the rest of the day making it harder for your body to use up the energy from the foods you eat later on.

10. Oxygenate Your Body

This seems so simple, yet we tend to miss this one so many times-to breathe deeply. How many of you reading this now are breathing with small shallow breaths? Come on now, raise your hand, I know who you are! When you find yourself needing that extra burst of energy BREATHE! Take a deep breathe in to the slow count of 3, hold to the slow count of 3, exhale to the slow count of 3. Do this with focus and intention for a few minutes, then recheck your energy level. If you have done this correctly you have succeeded in truly jump starting your day. With this deep breath you are increasing your vitality while reducing tension.

10 Ways to Jump Start Your Day

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Friday, April 8, 2011

Black & Decker VEC1026BD Electromate 250 Portable Power Supply and Jump-Starter

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Brand : Seidio | Rate : | Price : $89.88
Post Date : Apr 08, 2011 07:36:07 | Usually ships in 24 hours

Black & Decker Electromate 250 Portable Power Supply (model VEC1026BD) is both cordless and rechargeable for use outdoors and in case of emergencies and power failures. It combines a 300 Amp jump-starter, 250 Watt power inverter, and alternator voltage check in one - handy to have around in any power loss situation. Detachable heavy-duty clamps and cables are included with this portable power supply pack, along with a 12 Volt DC car cord. Other features of the Black & Decker VEC1026BD include a long-life LED emergency worklight for practical night time use and a power safety switch and reverse hook-up warning alarm. Always be prepared with the Black & Decker Electromate 250 Portable Power Supply pack.

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Monday, March 21, 2011

Blue Crane Introduction To Nikon D90 DVD With Accessory Bundle

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Brand : Blue Crane | Rate : | Price : $62.95
Post Date : Mar 21, 2011 21:12:15 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

* Blue Crane BC119 Introduction To Nikon D90 V1. * Take great pictures with Nikon D90. * Understanding the important controls and settings and how they relate to real world shooting situations can be the difference between a good shot and a great one. * The Nikon D90 is a powerful piece of equipment. * A solid understanding of its features and controls can really unleash itspotential. * Topics include: Be prepared (to get the shot). How fast is fast enough?. Lens choices for composition. Focus alternatives. Metering and bracketing. Advanced WB settings. Turning off Auto ISO. Live view. Creating own menus. Understanding histograms. Slow sync. Color management intro. Custom settings. Image review. Picture Controls. Mono filters. Composition. And much more. --PLUS-- Rechargeable EN-EL3E Replacement Battery,8 Gigabyte SD Secure Digital Memory Card,Memory Card Storage Wallet ,Air Duster Cleaner, 2 Lens Cleaning Pen's

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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Jump Start Your Candle Making Hobby candle making kit

!: Jump Start Your Candle Making Hobby candle making kit

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Ready to make your own candles, but do not have time for all stages of research, type of candle wax, wicks, before taking the first candle? Do not despair and give up the hobby of finding new ones. Candle Supply manufactures began offering candle making kits.

The kit comes with all the necessary tools and supplies that, then the first candle today. There are many different types of candles available stocks. Inventories of stocks for adultsfor children. Always supervise children when a candle to you, that will work with hot wax that can burn easily.

Here are some of the most popular kits to consider when choosing a first kit.

Gel candle making kit
Gel candles have become very popular because of the clear gel wax. You can get very creative with candles, colored gel and integrate all kinds of objects that are unique to the candle for you. Be careful that the things you choose to integrateThe candle is not lit, while the gel wax is hot.

I once saw gel candles that looked like an aquarium. The candle was poured into a clean glass jar. Sandy bottom of the candle casting her brown eyes. The central part is a light blue color, a look at it like water. Even put a metal fish candle! This was the focus, it does not interfere with the burning candle.

Locate a set of at least two pounds of wax gelmetal plate attached to a wick in the bottom three or four different flavors and colors are painted.

Soy Candle sets
Soy candles are becoming more popular all because when you burn it to a very small soot and smoke. Soy wax made from soybeans. Thus, they are considered environmentally sustainable and a candle to this product.

Locate a set of at least two pounds of soy wax candles, 1 / 2 dozen bits of two different flavors, and the paintcolor.

Paraffin candle kit
Most commercially produced paraffin candles. The refined petroleum wax. paraffin candles are usually the more smoke and soot, especially if you load a strong fragrance of the candle, or even paint.

Locate a set of at least two pounds of wax, candle molds, a dozen or more cards before a wick, scented oils, and three of four different colors.

Jump Start Your Candle Making Hobby candle making kit

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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Black & Decker PS400JRB Electromate 400 Plus Jump-Starter with Built-In Radio

!: Saved Black & Decker PS400JRB Electromate 400 Plus Jump-Starter with Built-In Radio Get it now!

Rate : | Price : $99.75 | Post Date : Mar 16, 2011 15:44:36
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

The Black & Decker PS400JRB 400-Watt Electromate with radio offers up to 450 instant amps for jump starting power without another vehicle, supplies portable AC power for ordinary household appliances, and the AM/FM/NOAA weather alert radio provides music, news, and weather updates any time you need them. An ultra-bright LED work light helps you with emergency roadside assistance, and you can even power or recharge your USB electronic devices by using the Electromate's USB port. Heavy-duty cables and clamps are included, and Black & Decker backs its Electromate with a 2-year warranty.

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